Wystawy I NAGRODY 
exhibitions and awards

2024 12. Triennale Grafiki Polskiej, wyróżnienie honorowe, Katowice, Poland 2024 Dresden - Residents #2 [24], Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz, Dresden, Germany 2024 Delta World, Oficyna Graficzna Tyszkiewicz, Wrocław, Poland 2024 Delta World, Vall Gallery, Wrocław, Poland 2023 The Journey into Microscopic Realms and Imagined Landscapes, 1010 Gallery, Knoxville, USA 2023 Grafika semestru, Galeria CSU Traugutta, Nagroda Rektora, Wrocław, Poland 2023 300km to connect Wroclaw with Tokyo / あるテキストからの創造”, Gallery Owada, Tokyo  2023 Wystawa Podsumowująca projekt 300 km, ASP Wrocław, Poland
2023 Trzysta Kilometrów, Sztuka na miejscu, Trzysta, Wrocław, Poland

2023 Strip(p)visite project space Rösselstube, Dresden, Germany
2023 Summer Academy Participant’s exhibition, Motorhalle, Dresden
2022 Stand with Ukraine - prints from Wrocław, Pałac Sztuki, Lwów   2021 Figurama21, udział w wystawie zbiorowej, Wrocław, Valeć, Plizno                                                       

2019 Ręce i stopy, wystawa rysunku studenckiego, ASP Wrocław, Poland                                             

2019 Wystawa rysunku w Centrum Historii Zajezdnia, Wrocław, Poland  2019 Międzynarodowa wystawa RYSOWAĆ, Toruń, Poland                                                                                                  

2019 Wspomnienia, wystawa grafiki, Galeria Concrete na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych we Wrocławiu
2019 Wystawa na Międzynarodowym Studenckim Trienale Rysunku                                                                  

2016 Wystawa malarstwa i koncert w Centrum Artystycznym Brzuch, Wrocław   



2022 Collaboration with Ania Vu's Premiere of "Strange Birds" by members of the Boston New Music Initiative as the winner of the 9th Annual Commissioning Competition at the Pilgrim Church in Lexington, MA. 

2022 Collaboration with Ania Vu's Premiere of "Strange Birds" by members of the Boston New Music Initiative as the winner of the 9th Annual Commissioning Competition at the University Lutheran in Cambridge, MA.


2023 Yamim Noraim - album cover art and design for Goldberg Foundation, Berlin 2023 Visual Identyfication for new music festival "CAMPGround23", hosted by the Contemporary Art Music Project, a non-profit organization that promotes works by living composers and artists based in Tampa, FL. Designed several posters for several concerts that were advertised on social media, including Facebook and Instagram. 2023 Illustrations for BOWWE, Wrocław 2022 The effect of time - album cover art and design for Yannika, Behorde f. Kultur und Medien (BMK), Bundesverband Popularmusic e.V. (BV Pop) and Neustart Kultur, Hamburg 2022 What are steps? - album cover art and design for Przemysław Jaworucki Quartet 2021 Logo design for "The Music She Writes", an online series concert that celebrates music by Asian female composers. The series was curated by Ania Vu and Eunmi Ko and livestreamed on the Eastman School of Music's YouTube channel.  

 Wybrane Koncerty
 Selected performances


2018 National Concert Hall, Dublin, Chamber music by Brahms, Schumann, Bartok, Sweeney
St. Stephan’s Church “The Pepper Canister”, solo recital
Culture Night, Rathmines Theatre, TU Conservatory of Music and Drama in Dublin
- solo recital 
 2018 Centrum Kultury “Brzuch” trio imprivisation with Agata Sułkowska (cello) and Agata Warchocka (guitar) 2016
St. Elizabeth Church- solo recital, Wrocław

2016 Spring Chamber Cancert, Theatre Hall in K. Lipiński Music Academy, Wrocław



2023 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, printmaking studio, student exchange

2022 Biorn von Schlippe illustration studio, Hamburg, Erasmus Internship 2019-2024 Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu, kier. Grafika 2017-2018 TUD Dublin Conservatory of Music and Drama, Erasmus, MM Piano Performance, Erasmus exchange 2015-2016 Studium pedagogiczne i praktyki w OSM I i II stopnia im. K. Szymanowskiego we Wrocławiu i Państwowej Szkole Muzycznej II stopnia im. Ryszarda Bukowskiego we Wrocławiu 2014-2020 Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Lipińskiego we Wrocławiu, kier. Fortepian Solowy 2001-2013 Państwowa Szkoła I i II stopnia im. Ludomira Różyckiego w Gliwicach